A Celebration of North American Waterbirds
Traveling to the continent’s wild perimeter in search of glorious North American waterbirds…this was the adventure of a lifetime. Maryland photographer, Middleton Evans, made 38 trips over a five-year period to complete his “wish list” of alluring species, captivating behaviors and pristine habitats.
Rhapsody in Blue showcases more than 180 species of waterbirds which Evans encountered on trips to thirteen states and Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas. A remarkable trip to Florida in 1998 inspired the project with ten days of daily surprises, including a Great Blue Heron grappling a plump muskrat.
Highlights include an unusually friendly King Eider, dancing Western Grebes, inquisitive Brown Boobies, a preening Roseate Spoonbill and huddling American Flamingo chicks. Yet nothing would eclipse climbing into a Bald Eagle nest on Middleton Island, Alaska!
An introduction describes how Middleton’s odyssey became a spiritual journey, punctuated by arduous hikes, frequent perils, joyous camaraderie and moments of sheer epiphany. A photography notes section at the end of Rhapsody details the inspirations and circumstances behind each of this special coffee table book’s 320 photographs. Rhapsody in Blue makes a wonderful gift for any nature lover, engaging the heart, mind and soul with every turn of the page.
© 2015, hardcover, 272 pages
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Price: $25 per copy, plus 6% sales tax for MD residents, and S&H of $10 per book.
Hardcover, 272 pages, copyright 2007, ISBN 978-09778055-1-8
To order by mail, complete the order form (PDF). You may also order by phone 410.336.9567 or email: middleton63@gmail.com.

Rhapsody in Blue
A glorious coffee table book of 320 photographs, Rhapsody in Blue makes a wonderful gift for any nature lover, engaging the heart, mind and soul with turn of the page.